Geometries with orientation support
Chapter 4
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
The target specification typically has Rx = 180 , Ry = 0 and Rz equal to desired
orientation. The Rz rotations have a range of +180 to -179.9999 as shown in
this diagram that illustrates the top view from Z positive axis looking at the origin.
The orientation for any target point can be fully specified by Rx = 180 , Ry = 0
and Rz orientation in the range of +180 to -179.9999 .
The turns counter is associated with Rz rotation and J6 axis for Delta J1J2J6 and
Delta J1J2J3J6 robots. For Delta J1J2J3J4J5, the turns counter is associated with
Rz rotation and J4 axis. The J6 or J4 axis rotates multiple revolutions around the Z
axis shown in the previous diagram.
To fully specify the correct orientation, the Rz orientation must specify the
desired orientation with which turn of joint axis. For example, +45 with turns
counter 0 and + 45 with turns counter 1 and +45 with turns counter -1 are
the same orientation but they are 360 apart from joint angle rotation point of
view. Any point in the joint travel needs an additional turns counter specification
for the Cartesian target point specification. See the following diagrams that show
the 45 point with different turns.