5 Further information for initial operation
© 2022 Interflex Datensysteme GmbH | IF-5835 Time Recording Terminal | 07.22
Restoring the default IP address
You have the option of restoring the default IP address if you can no longer reach the controller
after changing the IP address.
Perform a factory reset.
Further information can be found in the section
Static IP address
1. List connections with
nmcli-wrapper -l
2. Select the connection
3. Open the connection with
nmcli-wrapper -e
for editing
Current Connection Type: [Wired-connection]
Current Method: [DHCP]
1: Static-IP
Select a value from 1 to 2 [2]: 1
1. Select static IP (see above)
2. Enter IP address/subnet mask (CIDR):
IPv4 address/netmask:
3. Enter IPv4 Gateway address
IPv4 Gateway:
4. No DNS server used, therefore:
IPv4 DNS server: (r)emove/(e)dit?
5. No IPv4 search domain used, therefore:
6. IPv4 search domain []: (r)emove/(e)dit?
7. Enter the host name or accept suggestion with [Enter]
To apply the settings:
Restart the controller
- or –
nmcli-wrapper -r <connection name>
When connected via network, not via a serial cable:
If the IP address has been changed, a new PuTTY connection with the new IP address must be
established when restarting.
Dynamic IP address
1. List connections with
nmcli-wrapper -l
2. Select the connection
3. Open the connection with
nmcli-wrapper -e
for editing
Current Connection Type: [Wired-connection]
Current Method: [DHCP]
1: Static-IP