Version: April 2018
manual number: 0009 0420EN
Internal cleaning
The internal part of a heater can be cleaned with compressed air or with a tube brush. If needed do this
every day. First clean the outside of the burner tube. Then the inside of the venturi and burner tube via
the dust filter connection. Repeat this 3 times to be sure the dust is removed. Do not hit the venturi
gauze while it becomes a bit brittle due to the temperature.
Never clean the heater with water, steam or
chemicals. Also, do not use high pressure jets to
clean the heater. The lifetime of the burner tube and
venturi gauze will go down when it becomes wet and
again hot afterwards. In case a heater becomes wet
unintentionally, first make sure that it is dried
completely before using it again.
High fire
The lifetime of infrared heaters in a dusty environment will be extended in case these heaters are
operated on high fire every 12 to 24 hours for minimal 15 minutes. This burns off dust in the burner that
accumulates during low-fire operation. This is only needed in case heaters operate on lower setting for
a longer period. When a barn computer is used for heating and ventilation, it will be easy to modify the
program to add a 15 minutes high fire operation every day. In case a mechanical thermostat is used a
solution can be to put the sensor for 15 minutes in a bucket with cold water during daily inspection of
the barn.
Consumable parts
Thermocouples (21, 29), burner gauzes (19, 28) and the magnet unit (#53 mini) inside the gas safety
device are the most important parts that maybe requires replacement during normal operational life. See
the Parts List for more information.
Replacement thermocouple and magnet unit, position thermocouple
Remove the thermocouple by unscrewing the nut M8 at the gas safety device.
Unscrew the nut (14) at the gas safety device (3).
Remove the broken magnet unit and replace by a new one.
Replace the nut 14 and close carefully (firmly but not excessive) to avoid gas leakage.
Screw thermocouple nut M8 in nut (14). Hand-tight first and then an additional 1/6 turn.
Make sure that the tip of the thermocouple is positioned in the upper hole of the burner gauze (AP-
2, AP-3) or as far as possible in between the burner and burner gauze (AP-1)
Carefully check for gas leakage before taking back into operation.
Conversion instructions
Conversion shall be done by a qualified installer only. To convert a heater from one gas or gas pressure
to another gas or gas pressure, take the following actions.
Consult the technical table and contact the manufacturer or dealer for the parts needed. (new injector
(9), new venturi (17, 27), new thermostat body (5) and a new data plate).
Replace the parts by new ones. Use a proper gas sealant to avoid gas leakage and seal the new
Consult the technical table for the proper ring distance. (Rings are counted from the gas safety
Check the gas supply for the proper gas pressure and gas type and do a leakage test first.
Take the heater into operation and do a visual examination of the flame as explained above.
End-of life disposal
The infrared heaters are made up of valuable recyclable materials. Therefore, deliver your heater at the
end of its life in a recycling company.