Additional basics on remote control
User Manual 1179.2531.02 ─ 03
Depending on the value of the read register, you can draw conclusions on the current
status of the device. For example, when the unit operates in constant voltage, the
result of the returned ISUM register is a decimal "2" which corresponds the binary
value of "0000000000000010".
Any part of a status register system can be read by query commands. A decimal value
is returned and represents the bit pattern of the requested register. Each SCPI register
is 16 bits wide and has various functions. The individual bits are independent, i.e. each
hardware status is assigned to a bit number.
Bits 9 to 12 are still "free" resp. unused (always return a "0"). Certain areas of the reg-
isters are not used. The SCPI standard defines only the "basic functions". Some devi-
ces offer an advanced functionality.
Description of the status register parts
The SCPI standard provides two different status registers:
Figure A-1: Structure of the status:QUEStionable register
register queries the actual state of the instrument. If you want to
query the constant voltage or current mode, you have to use the
Status reporting system
Allice Messtechnik GmbH