Instrument functions
User Manual 1179.2531.02 ─ 03
1. Select "FTP" to set FTP connection.
The R&S
NGU displays the "FTP - Remote Access" dialog.
Figure 6-68: FTP settings dialog
2. Set any of the following to configure the FTP access:
These settings can only be changed if "Enabled" is set "OFF".
● "FTP Port": Port number for FTP server.
● "Username", "Password": User name and password for login access.
Password requirement: Any sequence with at least 1 letter / digit. A valid pass-
word is required when using the FTP feature for the first time.
All settings are reset to default after a factory reset. See
on page 88. Username is reset to device model (e.g. NGU201) and password is
reset to device serial number (e.g. 123456).
3. Set "Enabled" to "On" to enable FTP access.
4. Run the FTP client of your preference and key in the username, password, device
IP or hostname and FTP port (default port number: 21) in your FTP client. Some
FTP clients (File Explorer, Internet Explorer, etc.) allow connection via a URL-
address. The usual syntax for FTP connection is
<Username>:<Password>@<ip or hostname>[:<port>]
If connected successfully, the instrument root directory and USB root directory (if
connected) are displayed.
Figure 6-69: Root directory of the instrument using File Explorer
Allice Messtechnik GmbH