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VertiMAC™ Pump Switch - USER GUIDE
Sump Pump with VertiMAC™ Sump Advisor™ System
(pump switch, sensor, and alarm panel)
The diagram below is a typical setup for a sump pump with indoor alarm application. The VertiMAC™ pump switch is mounted to the
discharge pipe and powered by a standard wall outlet using the piggyback plug power cable. The pump power cable is then plugged
into the female end of the VertiMAC™ piggyback plug. The float is used to operate the pump switch, turning the pump on and off
based on the pump differential for the desired pumping range. The Sump Advisor™ sensor is an accessory option which is mounted
to the top of the VertiMAC™ pump switch and connected to the Sump Advisor™ alarm panel for local high level alarm and pump run
When the water level rises, the float pushes the actuator rod upward which activates the mechanism inside the pump switch housing
and turns the pump on. The Sump Advisor™ sensor will send a signal to the Sump Advisor™ alarm panel, activating the green pump
run LED indicator and the pump run auxiliary dry contacts (which can monitor pump run counts and run time by BAS systems). If
the water level rises activating the high level alarm float on the sensor, the red high sump LED indicator, buzzer, and alarm auxiliary
dry contacts on the alarm panel will activate. Pressing the alarm silence pushbutton will silence the buzzer. When the water level
recedes, the float lowers the actuator rod downward which deactivates the mechanism inside the pump switch housing and turns the
pump off. When the alarm condition is cleared, the system will automatically reset itself for the next alarm cycle.
House to Yard
Pump Switch
Sump Advisor™
Alarm Panel
Sump Advisor™