My Teamwork for IBM Lotus Sametime Installation
Installing My Teamwork for IBM® Lotus® Sametime®
B - 3 6
8AL90213USAC ed 01
September 12, 2008
Installation Checklist
Directory server is installed (Domino or LDAP)
Domino Server 7.0.1 or 8.0 is installed where Sametime will be installed
Sametime Server 7.5.1 or 8.0 CF1 is installed
Sametime Server 7.5.1 or 8.0 CF1 Hotfix has been applied
Verify Sametime licenses on My Teamwork server
Create a Sametime Client Connector My Teamwork account
o Enable Client Connector
o Enable Sametime Conferencing Allowed
Configure Trusted Hosts list
o Sametime IP Address: ____________________________________________
Verify MyTeamwork User login names are the same email address used by Lotus
Domino system users
Verify MyTeamwork User login names have been licensed to use Sametime services.
Install Alcatel-Lucent My Teamwork for IBM Lotus Sametime application (latest
o Sametime FQDN: ________________________________________________
o MyTeamwork Server IP or FQDN: ___________________________________
o Sametime Client Connector: _______________________________________
o Sametime Client Connector Password: ______________________________
Sign ALSTagents.nsf database
Configure Meeting Services
o Allow people to schedule a telephone conference call for a web conference.
Configure Default Policies
o Allow telephony for contact lists, instant messaging and instant meetings
Enable Display of MyTeamwork recordings for Sametime Meeting Center
o Disable “Inherit design from master template” on stconf.nsf
o Copy ALConfRecordings subform to stconf.nsf
o Open WebMeetingDetails subform code in stconf.nsf
o Insert ALConfRecordings subform into WebMeetingDetails subform code.
Add MyTeamwork Plug-in for Sametime Connect client (Optional)
o See Installation Guide for details concerning Automatic or Manual install