Notes on numbered items on banner & legal pages
26801 West Agoura Road
Calabasas, CA 91301
(818) 880-3500
FAX (818) 880-3505
US Customer Support - (800) 995-2696
International Customer Support - (818) 878-4507
Internet - service.esd.alcatel-lucent.com
Website: www.alcatel-lucent.com
Part No: 060314-00, Rev A
For final production, import color definitions from
\\daldoc01\docteam\templates\framemaker\book-template\color-defs\ production-colors.fm.
Do not import other template elements such as page layout.
To return to the draft version, import color def’ns from draft-colors.fm.
To switch to the beta version, import color def’ns from beta-colors.fm
OmniAccess 5740
Unified Services Gateway
Web GUI Users Guide
Release 3.0