Bandwidth requirements for 5620 SAM-O OSS Clients
Bandwidth requirements for 5620 SAM-O OSS Clients
There are two main factors affecting the bandwidth requirements between the 5620 SAM
Server and a 5620 SAM-O OSS Client:
Design and behavior of the application using the 5620 SAM-O OSS
Rate of changes in the network
Applications which listen to network changes via the JMS interface provided by
5620 SAM-O or applications which retrieve large pieces of information via
5620 SAM-O, such as statistics information or network inventory information, will
require access to dedicated bandwidth from the machine hosting the application to the
5620 SAM Server according to the tables above. Applications which do not require real
time event and alarm notification may operate with acceptable performance when the
bandwidth between the machine hosting the application and the 5620 SAM Server is less
than the quantity specified in the tables above.
It is a best practice to minimize event and alarm notifications using a JMS filter to reduce
bandwidth requirements and the possible effects of network latency.
In an environment where network changes are infrequent, it is possible to successfully
operate an application using the 5620 SAM-O when the bandwidth between the machine
hosting this application and the 5620 SAM Server is less than the quantity specified in the
tables above, possibly as little as 128 kbps. However, in situations where the frequency of
network changes increases, the performance or responsiveness of the application will
Bandwidth requirements for the 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics
Collector workstation
Bandwidth requirements for the 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector workstation
The main factors impacting communication to and from the 5620 SAM Auxiliary
Statistics Collector workstation are:
Number of performance statistics being collected. The 5620 SAM Server needs to tell
the 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector which statistics to collect every interval.
Number of statistics collected from the network elements.
Number of statistics written to the 5620 SAM Database.
Network requirements
Bandwidth requirements for 5620 SAM-O OSS Clients
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015