There are two methods to export accounting and performance statistics from 5620
SAM; registerLogToFile, and findToFile. The registerLogToFile method is the preferred
method and is required for situations where more than 400,000 accounting statistics
records are retrieved in 15 minutes or 500,000 performance statistics are retrieved in 15
Application Assurance Accounting statistics
Refer to the
5620 SAM Statistics Management Guide
to find the steps required to
configure 5620 SAM to retrieve and process application assurance accounting statistics.
The quantity of resources which are allocated to the retrieval and processing of
application assurance accounting statistics within the 5620 SAM Server are set at the
installation time and depend on the number of CPUs available to the 5620 SAM Server
software. The number of CPUs available to the 5620 SAM Server depends on the number
of CPUs on the workstation and whether the 5620 SAM Database software is collocated
with the 5620 SAM Server software on the same workstation.
Scaling of Application Assurance collection is related to the number of objects configured
for collection as opposed to the number of records collected per interval.
The following tables provide the maximum number of application assurance objects that
can be configured for collection by the 5620 SAM Server or 5620 SAM Auxiliary
Statistics Collector in various situations.
Table 6-10
Maximum number of application assurance accounting objects
configured for collection by a 5620 SAM Server workstation
Number of CPU cores on
5620 SAM Server
Maximum number of application assurance accounting objects configured for
collection per 15-minute interval
Collocated configuration
Distributed configuration
8 or greater
Scaling guidelines for statistics collection
Statistics collection
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015