the network element. Consequently, SNMP traps do result in a certain quantity of data
and therefore cause bandwidth utilization. The exact quantity of bandwidth utilized
will vary based on the number and the type of trap that is sent from the network
element. In the worst case however, this bandwidth utilization will be less than that
utilized during a network element discovery.
SNMP polling: It is possible to configure 5620 SAM to poll the SNMP MIBs on the
network elements at various intervals. By default, 5620 SAM will perform a complete
poll of the SNMP MIBs every 24 hours on non-SR–OS based network elements.
During the polling cycle, the amount of data transferred between 5620 SAM and the
network element is equivalent to the amount of data transferred during the network
element discovery.
Statistics collection: It is possible to configure 5620 SAM to poll the SNMP MIBs on
the network elements that contain performance statistics information. During the
polling cycle, the amount of data transferred between 5620 SAM and the network
element is less than the amount of data transferred during the network element
discovery. With the configuration of a 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector, the
communication from and to the network elements will be distributed between the
5620 SAM Server and a 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector.
Network element backup: It is possible to configure 5620 SAM to request a backup of
the network element at specified interval. During the NE backup cycle, the amount of
data transferred between 5620 SAM and the network element is less than half of the
amount of data transferred during the network element discovery.
Provisioning of services and deployment of configuration changes: When network
elements are configured or when services are provisioned via the 5620 SAM GUI or
via application using the 5620 SAM-O interface, a small quantity of network
bandwidth is utilized. The amount of data transferred is significantly less than during
the network element discovery.
Initiation and collection of STM tests and their results: When STM tests are initiated,
the 5620 SAM Server sends individual requests per elemental test to the network
elements. Once the test is complete, the network elements report back using a trap.
The 5620 SAM server then requests the information from the network element, and
stores it in the database. This can result in a significant increase in network traffic to
the network elements.
Software Downloads: The infrequent downloading of network element software loads
is not included in the bandwidth levels stated in
Table 5-12, “5620 SAM Server to
network bandwidth requirements” (p. 5-12)
. Bandwidth requirements will depend
upon the size of the network element software load and the desired amount of time to
successfully transfer the file to the NE.
For some network elements, management of the NE includes methods other than standard
MIB/SNMP management – for example web-based tools. These network elements may
require additional bandwidth above the bandwidth levels stated in
SAM Server to network bandwidth requirements” (p. 5-12)
Network requirements
5620 SAM bandwidth requirements for communicating with
network elements
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015