Section 1
The FAIM (Fire Alarm Input Module) provides a Fire Alarm Input to AlarmSaf power
supplies which employ an ABC connector. It accepts a DC voltage, NO or NC
contact, open collector, or reverse polarity input and includes an optional latching
function. The FAIM provides its output either via terminal strip or ABC buss.
Accepts a variety of input methods for compatibility with a wide range of
systems, including NO/NC contact, voltage input, open collector, or polarity
Two separate output terminals provided - one 8A fused non-power limited output
and one 1.6A PTC protected power limited output. These outputs drop power
upon the FAIM receiving a valid input signal.
Two methods of connection of the output to the ABC buss are allowed
Method 1 connects an FAI control signal to the ABC buss for controlling
other AlarmSaf accessory boards, such as the MB8(F).
Method 2 connects the power output of the FAIM to the B2 buss of the
ABC connector. This allows the use of accessory boards such as the
PD8(F) for grouped FAI controlled outputs.
Optional latching feature provides compatibility with Canadian requirements
FAIM Installation Instructions
2009/10/30 16:12:34
52-382 Rev A.01
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65A Industrial Way, Wilmington, MA 01887 978 658 6717 www.alarmsaf.com