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- VSS1, VSS2, VSS3, VSS4, VSS1A, VSS2A and VSS3A of the AK4675 must be distributed separately from
the ground of external controllers.
- All digital input pins msut not be left floating.
- When the AK4675 is EXT mode (PMPLL bit = “0”), a resistor and capacitor of the VCOC pin is not needed.
- When the AK4675 is PLL mode (PMPLL bit = “1”), a resistor and capacitor of the VCOC pin is shown in
- When the AK4675 is in master mode, the LRCK and BICK pins are floating before M/S bit is changed to “1”.
Therefore, 100k
around pull-up resistor msut be connected to the LRCK and BICK pins of the AK4675.
- A resistor and capacitor of the VCOCBT pin is shown in
- When PCM I/F is used at master mode, SYNCA, BICKA, SYNCB and BICKB pins are floating before
PMPCM bit is changed to “1”. Therefore, 100k
around pull-up or pull-down resistor msut be connected to the
SYNCA, BICKA, SYNCB and SYNCB pins of the AK4675.
- These capacitors at the CP/CN pins and VSS3A/PVEE pins require low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance)
over all temperature range. When these capacitors are polarized, the positive side must be connected to the CP
and VSS3A pins, respectively.
- A 2.2
F electrolytic capacitor in parallel with a 0.1
F ceramic capacitor attached to the VCOM pin eliminates
the effects of high frequency noise. No load current may be drawn from the VCOM pin.
- A 2.2
F electrolytic capacitor in parallel with a 0.1
F ceramic capacitor attached to the VCOMA pin eliminates
the effects of high frequency noise. No load current may be drawn from the VCOMA pin.
- AC coupling capacitors of 0.22
F or smaller value msut be connected at the LIN1A/RIN1A pins respectively to
reduce pop noise at Headphone-Amp power-up.
- AC coupling capacitors of 0.1
F or smaller value must be connected at the SPIN pins respectively to reduce
pop noise at power-up of ALCA block for Speaker.
Figure 114. Typical Connection Diagram