OG-UDC 3G-SDI Up, Down, Cross-Converter v1.0 22 www.aja.com
Anamorphic -
HD image is converted to full-screen SD with a 16x9 aspect ratio
14x9 -
Image is reduced slightly with aspect ratio preserved. Black is added top
and bottom, and the left and right sides are cropped.
Auto AFD -
Automatically selects the best Downconvert mode based on the
input video's Active Format Description (AFD) code. If the input video is not
carrying an AFD VANC code, the Downconverter defaults to crop.
Letterbox -
Image is reduced with black top and bottom added to image area,
with the aspect ratio preserved.
Aspect Convert
Determines the mode when converting from SD input video to an SD output
video format. There is no DIP switch equivalent for this control. The setting
is saved in nonvolatile memory in the module and used for all subsequent
operation. Choose from the following:
Off (default) -
The input image is copied to the output with no scaling.
Letterbox -
The input frame is scaled vertically to a 16x9 "letterboxed" size
(anamorphic to letterbox conversion).
H Crop -
The input frame is scaled horizontally to 16x9, then center-cropped
(anamorphic to center crop conversion).
Pillarbox -
The input frame is scaled horizontally to make a pillarbox output (4x3
to anamorphic conversion).
V Crop -
The input frame is scaled vertically to make a vertically cropped output
(letterbox to anamorphic conversion).
14x9 -
The input frame is scaled horizontally and vertically as a compromise
between H Crop and Letterbox (anamorphic to 14x9 conversion).
Loss of Input
Determines what action is taken when input video is lost. These are the choices:
Black (default) -
The output goes to black.
Freeze -
The output freezes on the last good frame.
HDMI Tab Screen
Figure 18. OG-UDC HDMI Tab Screen in DashBoard