KUMO SDI Routers and Control Panels v4.7r1 27 www.aja.com
Enable Exit Page Warning
The "Enable Exit Page Warning" checkbox enables or disables the display of a
warning message if you leave the Salvo configuration screen without saving.
Figure 19. Initial KUMO Salvos Screen
Clicking on one of the eight Salvo buttons selects that salvo for configuration.
After selection, a router table appears below with Sources listed vertically and
Destinations listed horizontally. After a salvo is configured, you will need to save
the crosspoint takes for that salvo.
Figure 20. KUMO Salvos Screen with Router Table
Salvos Screen Controls
Salvo Select Buttons
At the top of the Salvos screen are eight Salvo select buttons. Configured buttons
are colored green, and the button for the currently selected salvo is highlighted.
Change Salvo Name
You can enter a name into this field for the selected salvo.
NOTE: Salvo names should be unique.
Load Current Routes
Click to load the current KUMO crosspoint status into the table below. All
crosspoints that have been set will be displayed.