Your Make-Up Air Unit has a set of filters installed. If you have the optional filter pressure sensor installed,
as a guide; you aught to replace the filters when the pressure exceeds a maximum of 125 pascals / 0.5"
water column as shown on the web interface. Otherwise replace filters every 2-3 months.
The pleated media size is MERV 13: 14" x 20" x 2" (13.5” x 19.5” x 1.75” Actual). Filter media is available at
Door actuators should be inspected annually to verify operation. There is no maintenance required for
these actuators except to check that connections are tight and no foreign material
is blocking door operation.
The supply fan motor requires no maintenance. Annually check that the supply fan compartment is clean
and free of any debris. After disconnecting power vacuum any dust or foreign
matter to ensure fan wheel balance.
A re-settable circuit breaker is located on the Fan-mounted and control electrical boxes to protect the
motor and circuit boards from power surges. In the case of a power surge, this breaker can be reset by
simply pushing the button back in.
Air Inlet Selector, an actuator activated damper door module switching between air streams
: Attic Air Temperature. The temperature of the air inside the attic space
BeagleBone, a programmable micro computer.
Conditioned Air Temperature. Temperature of the air leaving the system
California Energy Commision.
Cabinet Fan. A module which has a motor driving a fan which moves the air through the system.
Cubic Feet per Minute. An indication of the volume of the air flowing (moved by) through the system.
Control Panel, or controller box, houses the electronics that “control” th functions of the unit.
Decibels A is a noise level measured in decibels (dB) 60dBA is considered conversation level noise.
This is the difference in air pressure between 2 spots. In the case of a make-up
air unit, we measure the pressure difference between outside and inside the building. In the case of the
filters we are measuring before and after the filters.
Electronically Commutated Motor is a very efficient motor that unlike standard motors keeps its high
efficiency even when working at part load.
Filter Box, the module which houses the v-bank filters that filters the air going through the MUA unit.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, for systems using a motor use a
Motor Rated GFCI.
Hertz equals the number of cycles per second (alternating currents)
Inside Air Temperature, Temperature within the living space.
Inside Air Quality, the Quality or cleanliness of the Air in the living space.
Inner Diameter of a tube
Also listed as MUA Unit means Make-Up Air unit
Outside Air In, the Air Inlet of the air outside the structure.
Outside Air Temperature, the temperature of the air outside the structure
On Center, indication of framing distance between beams measured in the center of the beam.
© AirScape MUA-IOM, July 2022, All Rights Reserved.