Web Management
AirLive AirMax4GW User’s Manual
Allow all to pass except those match the specified rules. (Black List)
Deny all to pass except those match the specified rules. (White List)
Besides, you also can enable the log alerting so that system will record packet
blocking events when filter rules are fired. At the right upper corner of screen,
one “[Help]” command let you see the on-line help message about Packet Filter
function. Packet Filter List
It is a list of all packet filter rules. You can add one new rule by clicking on the “Add”
command button. But also you can modify some existed packet filter rules by clicking
corresponding “Edit” command buttons at the end of each filter rule in the Packet
Filter List. Besides, unnecessary rules can be removed by checking the “Select” box
for those rules and then clicking on the “Delete” command button at the Packet Filter
List caption. Packet Filter Rule Configuration
It supports the adding of one new rule or the editing of one existed rule. There are
some parameters need to be specified in one packet filter rule. They are Rule Name,
From Interface, To Interface, Source IP, Destination IP, Destination Port, Protocol,
Time Schedule and finally, the rule enable.