Web Management
AirLive AirMax4GW User’s Manual
PPTP Client Name:
The name of this tunnel.
Operation Mode:
Default is “Always on” and other options depend on
product models.
Peer IP/Domain:
The IP address or Domain name of remote PPTP server.
User Name:
The user name which can be validated by remote PPTP server.
The password which can be validated by remote PPTP server.
Default Gateway/Peer Subnet:
You can choose “Default Gateway” option
or “Peer Subnet” option here. When “Default Gateway” is chosen, all traffic
from Intranet of Business Security Gateway goes over this PPTP tunnel if
these packets don’t match the Peer Subnet of other PPTP tunnels. There is
only one PPTP tunnel to own the “Default Gateway” property. However,
when “Peer Subnet” is chosen, peer subnet parameter needs to be filled and
it should be the LAN subnet of remote PPTP server. If an Intranet packet
wants to go to this peer subnet, the PPTP tunnel will be established
Connection Control:
There are three connection control options for users
to choose when the PPTP tunnel is established. You can choose
“Connect-on-Demand”, “Auto Reconnect (always-on)”, or “Manually”. By
default, it is “Auto Reconnect (always-on)”.
Authentication Protocol:
You can choose authentication protocol as PAP,
CHAP, MS-CHAP, or MS-CHAP v2. The protocol you choose must be
supported by remote PPTP server.
MPPE Encryption:
Check the “Enable” box to activate MPPE encryption.
Please note that MPPE needs to work with MS-CHAP or MS-CHAP v2
authentication methods.
NAT before Tunneling
: Check the “Enable” box to let hosts in the Intranet
of Business Security Gateway
can go to access Internet via remote PPTP
server. By default, it is enabled. However, if you want the remote PPTP
Server to monitor the Intranet of local Business Security Gateway, the
option can’t be enabled.
LCP Echo Type:
Choose the way to do connection keep alive. By default, it
is “Auto” option that means system will automatically decide the time
interval between two LCP echo requests and the times that system can
retry once system LCP echo fails. You also can choose “User-defined”
option to define the time interval and the retry times by yourself. The last
option is “Disable”.
: Check the “Enable” box to activate the tunnel.