Web Management
AirLive AirMax4GW User’s Manual
Above configuration example shows one VLAN group. It includes Port-1 and 8 WiFi
virtual APs, and play NAT mechanism between LAN and WAN sides. They all can
access the Internet and since there is only one VLAN group, there is no other VLAN
group to communicate with. About the configuration of inter-VAP routing, please refer
[Basic Network]-[WiFi]
Afterwards, click on “Save” to store your settings or click “Undo” to give up the
changes. Tag-Based VLAN
The second type of VLAN is the tag-based VLAN. VLAN membership in a tagged
VLAN is determined by VLAN information within the packet frames that are received
on a port. This differs from a port-based VLAN, where the port VIDs assigned to the
ports determine VLAN membership.
When the device receives a frame with a VLAN tag, referred to as a tagged frame, the
device forwards the frame only to those ports that share the same VID.