OFF protocol:
If you do not wish to use GPS device in connection with AG-tronik, select OFF protocol in
AG-tronik. Use this protocol also if you have a GPS device, which is not compatible with AG-
MANUAL protocol:
Use this protocol, if you want to control the sprinkler yourself, but you want GPS device to
record and map sprayed surface. In this case, GPS device is naturally very helpful, as it
graphically displays sprayed surface, proposes driving direction, accurately maps direction
and position of spraying devices, proposes start of turns to reach correct line (spraying
AUTO protocol:
In AUTO protocol, control and operation of AG-tronik is performed by GPS device. GPS
device in AUTO protocol performs control of individual sections of spraying device. It opens
and closes individual sections of spraying device according to spraying requirement. It
basically ensures that sections are open on unsprayed surface and that individual sections are
closed on already sprayed surface. In GPS device, set "overlapping" (0-100 %) and spraying
protocol at lot edge.
The operator can still manually control the spraying device, namely open and close individual
sections, regulate hectare consumption, adjust driving speed, select nozzles... Section valve
buttons are fitted with two-colour LED diodes, red and green:
If the red diode is on above individual section, this means that spraying is taking placing and
that there are no restrictions.
If the green diode is on, this means that GPS device allows spraying and the operator of
spraying device has manually turned off an individual section. Operation of spraying device
is, in addition to LED diodes, also shown graphically on display.
Figure 103
If LED diode is on, it means that the section is closed and that it is on a part of already
sprayed surface.
Serial communication ensures mutual communication and exchange of data between devices: