System Details and
Performance Specifications
Clock Synthesizer 13.5 GHz User Guide
In “Ext Low” mode, a scaling factor is used to generate high-UI jitter. The
UI/volt scaling factor is available through the MORE menu option, the display
will read “ExtUI=xx”. Adjust the scaling factor to generate the desired amount
of UI for an input amplitude. In “Ext Low” mode, multiple UI deviation is
possible by either increasing the amplitude of the applied signal or by
increasing the deviation scaling factor.
The low- and high-frequency external jitter injection methods overlap, but do
not count on the unit operating properly outside the specified frequency band.
Also note that if the scaling factor is set higher than 1, the amount of UI
injected will step when toggling between low and high frequency modes.
Figure 5 indicates the maximum UI deviation as a function of jitter frequency.
Figure 5. Maximum external jitter generation vs. frequency
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