6 - Introduction to Programming
Query Indicator
Following a header with a question mark turns it into a query (VOLTage?, VOLTage:PROTection?). If a
query contains a parameter, place the query indicator at the end of the last header.
VOLTage:PROTection? MAX
Message Unit Separator
When two or more message units are combined into a compound message, separate the units with a
Root Specifier
When it precedes the first header of a message unit, the colon becomes the root specifier. It tells the
command parser that this is the root or the top node of the command tree.
Message Terminator
A terminator informs SCPI that it has reached the end of a message. Three permitted messages
terminators are:
newline (<NL>), which is ASCII decimal 10 or hex 0A.
end or identify (<END>)
both of the above (<NL><END>).
In the examples of this guide, there is an assumed message terminator at the end of each message.
SCPI Data Formats
All data programmed to or returned from the dc source is ASCII. The data may be numerical or character
Numerical Data Formats
Response Formats
Digits with an implied decimal point assumed at the right of the least-significant digit.
Examples: 273
Digits with an explicit decimal point. Example: .0273
Digits with an explicit decimal point and an exponent. Example: 2.73E+2
Parameter Formats
Extended format that includes <NR1>, <NR2> and <NR3>. Examples: 273 273. 2.73E2
Expanded decimal format that includes <NRf> and MIN MAX. Examples: 273 273.
2.73E2 MAX. MIN and MAX are the minimum and maximum limit values that are
implicit in the range specification for the parameter.
Boolean Data. Example: 0 | 1 or ON | OFF