The field strength of stationary transmitters, such as base
stations of radio telephones, mobile broadcasts for rural
areas, amateur stations, and AM and FM radio transmitters,
cannot be precisely predetermined theoretically. An investi-
gation of the location is recommended, to ascertain the elec-
tromagnetic environment as a result of stationary high fre-
quency transmitters. If the field strength of the device ex-
ceeds the level of agreement given above, the device must be
observed with regard to its normal operation at each place of
use. In case of unusual performance characteristics, it can be
necessary to take additional measures, such as the re-orien-
tation of the device, for example.
The field strength will be lower than 3 V/m above the fre-
quency range from 150 kHz to 80 MHz.
Portable RF communications equipment (including peripher-
als such as antenna cables and external antenns) should be
used no closer than 30cm (12 inches) to any part of the DR
detector, including cables specified for use with the equip-
ment. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this
equipment could result.
| DX-D 60C, DX-D 60G | Remarks for HF-emission and immunity
0294B EN 20190221 1131