Electromagnetic emissions
This device has been tested for a normal hospital environment as described
The user of the device should ensure that it is used in such an environment.
Nevertheless the HF-emission and immunity can be influenced by connected
data cables depending on length and the manner of installation.
Emissions test
Compliance Electromagnetic Environment
RF emissions in accord-
ance with CISPR 11
Group 1
This device uses RF energy only
for its internal function. There-
fore, its RF emissions are very low
and are not likely to cause any in-
terference in nearby electronic
RF emissions in accord-
ance with CISPR 11
Class A
The device is directly connected
to a low voltage power supply
network, and can be used in all
facilities except the ones that sup-
ply voltage to home facilities or
buildings. The emissions charac-
teristics of this equipment make it
suitable for use in industrial areas
and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A).
If it is used in a residential envi-
ronment (for which CISPR 11
class B is normally required) this
equipment might not offer ade-
quate protection to radio-fre-
quency communication services.
The user might need to take miti-
gation measures, such as relocat-
ing or re-orienting the equip-
Harmonic emissions in ac-
cordance with IEC
Class A
Voltage fluctuations /
flicker emissions in ac-
cordance with
IEC 61000-3-3
(*) Applies to regions where the rated voltage is 220 V or higher. Not
applicable to regions where the rated voltage is less than 220 V.
DX-D 60C, DX-D 60G | Remarks for HF-emission and immunity |
0294B EN 20190221 1131