55 000 015 – Ed. E
Mix2000 - User Manual
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February 2001
Manuel Mix2000 (E) - Ed. E.doc
4. First level maintenance – Internal configuration
4.1. Internal description
The following diagram shows the organisation of the mixer, as can be seen from the bottom side if the
bottom cover is removed.
Figure 7 – Internal organisation (view from the bottom)
The main part of the mixer is the motherboard, mounted on the top of the mixer, parallel to the top cover.
Various daughterboards and modules are connected to the motherboard:
Front panel assembly, including all front panel control and display elements;
Input module on the left side;
Output module on the right side;
Monitoring and slate
daughterboards mounted directly upon the motherboard.
For easy replacement, the potentiometers are mounted on small daughterboards attached to the front panel
1 When the digital output is installed, the slate daughterboard also includes the analogue to digital converter and the digital output.