ScoopTeam - User manual - Draft 0002
Dedicated volume knobs
One headphone volume knob
is available for each commentary position.
One “Side tone” knob
is also available for each commentary position; this knob controls the
amount of the commentator’s voice mixed into the commentator’s headphone.
“PGM” and “Coord” buttons
Each commentary position features:
A “PGM” backlit pushbutton
that controls the insertion of the commentator’s microphone
(or line signal) into the program send mix. The key is in a “toggle” mode. The red backlight is on
when the signal is injected into the program.
A “Coord” key
allows inserting the commentator’s microphone into the coordination send
mix. The push-button is in “temporary mode”: the signal is sent as long as the key is depressed,
and muted as soon as the key is released. Conversely, the possible contribution to the program
mix is muted while “Coord” is pressed; when it is released the routing of the input comes back
to its previous state. The yellow backlight is on when the signal is injected into the coordination
channel (this may also be permanent if the channel is set for permanent injection into the
coordination send mix).
“Monitoring” key
Pushing this key directly calls the “Monitoring” page, that deals with the setup and mix for the
headphone monitoring signals.
Conversely, if the
page is already displayed, pressing this key again brings you back to
the previous page (that was active before switching to the monitoring page).
Rotary encoder
This knob is used as an input device when setting parameters in the menus. It includes a switch and it
can also be depressed to confirm or switch a selection. Typical uses are:
Adjusting gains
Scrolling through lists
“Power/Connections” key
In operation, pushing this key (briefly) directly calls the “Connections” page.
Conversely, if the Connections page is already displayed, pressing this key again brings you back to
the previous page (that was active before switching to the connection page).
This key is also used for switching the unit on/off:
The key is backlit (blue) when the unit is off and a DC power source is connected.
Depress the key for switching on the unit.
For switching off, hold the key down for 2 seconds; a pop-up message asks for confirmation. Hit
the “OK” button to switch off the unit, or touch the screen anywhere else to cancel.