Aeroworks 30cc Freestyle Extra 260 Assembly Manual
30. A drop of thin CA may be applied to the swage
tube to help secure the cable.
31. Attach ball links to the rudder servo arm and
then attach the servo arm to the rudder servo as
Use flat washers to prevent ball link from
coming loose from the brass ball.
32. Tape the rudder balance tab to the top leading
edge of the vertical fin in the neutral position as
shown. This ensures the rudder is straight when
the cables are attached.
33. Plug the rudder servo into the rudder channel of
the receiver and power up. Turn on transmitter
to center rudder servo. Ensure servo trim and
sub-trims are centered.
On metal geared servos use blue Loctite for
all servo arm mounting screws.
28. Crimp the brass swage tube with a crimping tool
or pliers.
29. Cut off excess cable as shown.