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21. Customer service functions
Single actor activation
Press program button S2 and S3 simultaneous and keep them pressed until switching the
machine on with the ON/OFF button S0 .
For acknowledge, that the function is active, the LEDs LD1, LD2 and LD3 are blinking.
By pressing the program button S2 the function is started.
During the whole cycle, LED LD2 is blinking.
The first component to be activated automatically is the inlet valve. All additional actors can
be started in the below mentioned sequence, by pressing button S2 repeatedly.
Each of the single actors is switched ON for the below given time. Afterwards, hes
automatically switched OFF. In the following, the machine remains in a PAUSE mode, until
the next actor is started by pressing button S2 or until the function is terminated.
The actual component is displayed by a code of the PPD-LEDs.
The sequence of activation is fixed and scrolling. It cant be changed.
The time of activation can be shorted by pressing button S2 already before the timeout of
below given value.
Sequence of activation, ON-time and PPD code:
L D9
L D10
L D11
20s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
dis pens er
60s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
cir culation pump
60s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
20s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
r es et-valve
60s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
r egener . dos .
60s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
dr ain pump
60s ek.
L D9
L D10
L D11
all OF F
DGN-var iants
60s ek. br eak
continue per hand activation
The function remains active until terminated by pressing the ON/OFF-button S0 .
Indication of customer service failure stack
Press program button S2 and S3 simultaneous and keep them pressed until
switching the machine on with the ON/OFF button S0 .
For acknowledge, that the function is active, the LEDs LD1, LD2 and LD3 are blinking.
By pressing the program button S1 the function is started.
During the whole cycle, LED LD1 is blinking.
The failure code is displayed by PPD-LEDs LD9 to LD11.
(see chapter Overview of failure displays)
The failures can be displayed scrolling, by repeatedly pressing button S1 .
In maximum, the last 3 occured failures can be shown.
The function can only be terminated by switching the machine OFF with the ON/OFF button
S0 .