ADOS S.R.L. Buccinasco (MI)
Rev. 4
Page 17 of 49
“Start Of Text” (Hex 02) character
485 address character - high (Hex 30 .. 32)
485 address character - low (Hex 30 .. 39)
Command identification character
Any data related to the command
“Carriage Return” (Hex 0D) character
“Line Feed” (Hex 0A) character
Commands from host to A100E
P (hex 50)
weight request command. A string is transmitted with the same format of what is
described for continuos mode. If 485 address is other than zero, the <ADDR>
field is inserted after STX
p (hex 70)
weight request command. A string is transmitted with the following format:
<G_P><GROSS_W> polarity and value of the gross weight (8 char)
<T_P><TARE_W> polarity and value of the tare weight (8 char)
If 485 address is other than zero, the <ADDR> field is inserted after STX
l (hex 5C)
gross weight request command. A string is transmitted with the same format of what
is described for continuos mode, but always sending the value of the gross weight,
independently from display selection.
If 485 address is other than zero, the <ADDR> field is inserted after STX
ZERO command. The command is always accepted, even if the instrument is in
Net mode or the Motion is ON. The command is effective only if the gross weight
is lower then the defined AZM limit, otherwise en error message is issued
GROSS command. The command is always accepted.
NET command. The command is always accepted.
Tare execution command. The command is always accepted, even if the instrument
is in Net mode or the Motion is ON.
request for the value of the set point “n”, with “n” equal to 1 or 2
The answer message has the following format:
is the set point number
is the code of the relay function
0 = OFF
1 = Closing on Gross
2 = Closing on Net upon Loading
3 = Closing on Net upon Unloading
4 = Opening on Gross
5 = Opening on Net upon Loading
6 = Opening on Net upon Unloading