ADOS S.R.L. Buccinasco (MI)
Rev. 4
Page 13 of 49
3.10 Output relay operation
The action of the relay depends on the weight condition (gross or net) defined in the configuration phase
independently from what is indicated on the display. Therefore, the user can switch the display selection as
required without accidentally enabling the thresholds.
The relay returns to “normal” conditions when the weight value again drops below the value calculated as
the sum of the threshold value and the defined dead band value.
Each relay can be configured to operate in one of the following modes:
The relay is permanently disabled.
Closing on Gross
The relay is de-energized (and the output contact opened) for all the gross weight values lower than the
threshold set in the configuration. The relay is energized (and the output contact closed) for all the gross
weight values greater than or equal to the threshold set in the configuration.
Closing on Net upon Loading
The relay is de-energized (and the output contact opened) for all the gross net values lower than the
threshold set in the configuration. The relay is energized (and the output contact closed) for all the net
weight values greater than or equal to the threshold set in the configuration.
Closing on Net upon Unloading
The relay is de-energized (and the output contact opened) for all the negative net weight values lower than
(in terms of absolute value) the threshold set in the configuration. The relay is energized (and the output
contact closed) for all the negative net weight values greater than or equal to (in terms of absolute value) the
threshold set in the configuration.
Example: if the threshold set is 1250, the relay is de-energized for positive values and for the negative
values from -1 to -1249. The relay is energized for values ranging between -1250 and -F.S.
Opening on Gross
The relay is energized (and the output contact closed) for all the gross weight values lower than the
threshold set in the configuration. The relay is de-energized (and the output contact opened) for all the
gross weight values greater than or equal to the threshold set in the configuration.
Opening on Net upon Loading
The relay is energized (and the output contact closed) for all the net weight values lower than the threshold
set in the configuration. The relay is de-energized (and the output contact opened) for all the net weight
values greater than or equal to the threshold set in the configuration.
Opening on Net upon Unloading
The relay is energized (and the output contact closed) for all the net negative weight values lower than (in
terms of absolute value) the threshold set in the configuration. The relay is de-energized (and the output
contact opened) for all the net negative weight values greater than or equal to less (in terms of absolute
value) the threshold set in the configuration.