ADOS S.R.L. Buccinasco (MI)
Rev. 4
Page 16 of 49
For the RS485 line connection the instrument must be equipped with the driver in U8 and the jumper Z8
must be positioned in 1-2.
The RS232 or RS485 selection is determined by the value of the configuration parameter “address 485”: if
the parameter is 0 the instrument controls the protocol RS232, otherwise it controls the protocol RS485.
The modality is activated independently from the physical configuration of the board, therefore it is possible
to operate with messages addressed also on the physical line RS232.
The data structure is the same, with the only addition of the addressed field (two characters from “01” to
“32”) in reception and in transmission.
Continuous modality
The instrument continuously transmits a string with the following format:
“Start Of Test” (Hex 02) character
“Blank” (Hex 20) or “-” (Hex 2D) character to indicate the polarity of the data
string of 7 numerical characters (Hex 30 .. 39) representing the weight shown on display
and possibly with “.” (Hex 2E)
“K” (Hex 4B)
“G” (Hex 47) or “N” (Hex 4E) character to indicate the Gross/Net state
one of the following characters:
(Hex 20)
System under normal operating conditions
(Hex 43)
Instrument to calibrate (invalid data)
(Hex 43)
Instrument being configured
(Hex 4F)
Instrument off scale
(Hex 4D)
Moving weight
“Carriage Return” character (Hex 0D)
“Line Feed” character (Hex 0A)
Bi-directional modality
In this modality the instrument transmits the data only when requested by an external system.
The protocol can be used with RS232 lines and with RS485 half-duplex lines. The selection depends on
the configuration value of the RS485 address: if other than zero, the instrument controls the value of the
address field in the received data and inserts the address field in the transmitted data.
The request string has the following format