a single animation as you import (see “Importing an animation or still-image sequence”
on page 84). You can import still images with frame sizes up to 4000 x 4000 pixels. The
following guidelines affect how still images appear when you import them into Adobe
Premiere Pro:
An imported still image uses the duration specified in the Edit > Preferences > Still
Image preferences. You can change the duration of a still image in the Timeline
The size and aspect ratio of imported still images is affected by the same factors that
affect imported video clips. See “Importing clips” on page 81.
When preparing images in applications that support color management, such as Adobe
Photoshop, colors may appear more consistent between the application and Adobe
Premiere Pro if you prepare images in a video-friendly color space such as sRGB or NTSC
For best results, create files with a frame size at least as large as the frame size of the
project, so that you don’t have to scale up the image in Adobe Premiere Pro. Scaling an
image larger than its original size can cause loss of sharpness. If you plan to scale up an
image, prepare it at a larger frame size than the project. For example, if you plan to scale
up an image 200% in a project, prepare the image at double the project frame size
before you import it.
To change the default duration for still images:
Choose Edit > Preferences > Still Image.
For Default Duration, specify the number of frames you want as a default duration for a
still image.
Note: Changing the default duration of still images does not affect the duration of still
images that are already part of a sequence.
When importing files through the Import dialog box, you can identify files visually if
you set the view to Thumbnails.
To change the duration of a still image in the timeline:
Do one of the following:
Position the selection tool over either end of the image and drag.
Select the clip, and choose Clip > Speed. Enter a new duration, and click OK.
To adjust the pixel aspect ratio of an imported still image:
Select the still image in the Project window.
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 83
Adobe Premiere Pro Help Capturing and Importing Source Clips
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 83
Choose File > Interpret Footage.
Select an option in the Pixel Aspect Ratio section, and click OK:
Use Pixel Aspect Ratio from File uses the original aspect ratio saved with the still image.
Conform To lets you choose from a list of standard aspect ratios.
Importing Adobe Illustrator still images
You can import an Adobe Illustrator still-image file directly into an Adobe Premiere Pro
project. Adobe Premiere Pro converts path-based Adobe Illustrator art into the pixelbased
image format used by Adobe Premiere Pro, a process known as
. Adobe
Premiere Pro automatically
, or smooths, edges of the Adobe Illustrator art.
Adobe Premiere Pro also converts all empty areas into an alpha channel, so that empty
areas become transparent in Adobe Premiere Pro. All layers in an Adobe Illustrator file are
merged when you import them into Adobe Premiere Pro.
If you want to define the dimensions of the Adobe Illustrator art when it is rasterized by
Adobe Premiere Pro, use Adobe Illustrator to set crop marks in the Adobe Illustrator file.