Replace Style Library command to display the style library again.
To save a style library:
In the Styles section, choose Save Style Library from the Styles menu. All styles visible
the Styles section are saved.
Specify a name and location for the style library file and click Save. Adobe Premiere Pro
saves style library files with the .PRSL (Adobe Title Designer Style Library) extension.
To load a saved style library:
In the Styles section, choose Load Style Library from the Styles menu. Any style library
you load is added to the current style display.
Locate the style library file that you want to load and click Open.
To replace a style library:
In the Styles section, choose Replace Style Library from the Styles menu.
Locate the style library that you want to use as a replacement for the current library and
click Open.
Creating rolls and crawls
Though static titles, graphics, and logos may suffice for some projects, many others
require titles that move across the footage. (Titles that move vertically over the footage
are called
. Titles that move horizontally are called
.) The Adobe Title Designer
provides choices and settings that facilitate creating smooth, expert rolls and crawls.
Note: The length of the title in the Timeline window determines the speed of the roll or
crawl. The more you increase the title clip length, the slower the scroll.
Setting a title to roll or crawl
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Adobe Premiere Pro Help Using the Adobe Title Designer
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To create rolling or crawling titles:
Choose Roll or Crawl from the Title Type menu.
Note: For best results, choose this option before you create your objects so that you can
scroll the drawing area as you draw them, thereby creating objects that extend beyond the
initial drawing area.
Create the object. For best results when creating a text object, use the type tool. For
more information on the type tool, see “Using type tools” on page 197.
For information on working with objects, see “Creating new titles with text and graphics”
on page 197.
Choose Title > Roll/Crawl Options.
Specify the appropriate Timing options, and then click OK.
The Roll/Crawl title feature includes the following options:
Start Off Screen
Specifies that the scroll begins out of view and scrolls into view.
End Off Screen
Specifies that the scroll continues until the objects are out of view.
Specifies the number of frames that play before the scroll begins.
Specifies the number of frames that the title scrolls at a slowly increasing speed
until the title reaches the playback speed.
Specifies the number of frames that the title scrolls at a slowly decreasing
speed until the scroll completes.
Specifies the number of frames that play after the scroll completes.
Left to Right, Right to Left
Specifies the direction in which the crawl moves.
To scroll a roll or crawl in the Adobe Title Designer:
Drag the horizontal or vertical scroll bar bordering the drawing area.
Note: Objects must extend beyond the borders of the work area before the scroll bars will