program for 8-bit color playback—for example, to match the colors on a Web page or in a
presentation. When available, click Palette and then either select Make Palette from Movie
to derive a color palette from the frames used in the video program, or select Load Palette
Now to import a color palette that you prepared and saved previously. You can load color
palettes in the .ACO (Photoshop color swatch), .ACT (Photoshop color palette), or .PAL
(Windows palette—Windows only) format.
Note: With the QuickTime file type, you can attach a 256-color palette to a movie of any
bit depth. You can specify a palette for 24-bit movies to use when displaying on 8-bit
monitors, and you can prevent palette “flashing” by attaching the same palette to many
movies. Video for Windows supports attaching a palette only to an 8-bit movie.
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 305
Adobe Premiere Pro Help Producing Final Video
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 305
Frame Size
Specify the dimensions, in pixels, for video frames you export. Select 4:3
Aspect to constrain the frame size to the 4:3 aspect ratio used by conventional television.
Some codecs support specific frame sizes. Increasing the frame size displays more detail
but uses more disk space and requires more processing during playback.
Frame Rate
Choose the number of frames per second for video you export. Some codecs
support a specific set of frame rates. Increasing the frame rate may produce smoother
motion (depending on the original frame rates of the source clips) but uses more disk
Pixel Aspect Ratio
Choose a pixel aspect ratio that matches the output type. When the
pixel aspect ratio (displayed in parentheses) doesn’t match 1.0, the output type uses
rectangular pixels. Because computers generally display pixels as squares, content using
nonsquare pixel aspect ratios will appear stretched when viewed on a computer but will
appear with the correct proportions when viewed on a video monitor.
Drag the slider or type a value to affect the picture quality of and disk space used
by exported video. If you are using the same codec to capture and export, and you’ve
rendered previews of a sequence, you can save rendering time by matching the export
quality setting with your original capture quality setting. Increasing quality above the
original capture quality does not increase quality, but may result in longer rendering
Note: The quality slider is not available for all codecs.
Limit Data Rate to _ K/Sec
Select (if available for the selected compressor) and type a
data rate to place an upper limit on the amount of video data produced by the exported
video when it is played back.
Note: In some codecs, quality and data rate are interrelated, so that adjusting one option
automatically alters the other.
Select to ensure that Adobe Premiere Pro exports a video file that is under
the data rate you specified. Choose Always from the Recompress menu to compress
frame even if it is already within the data rate, or choose Maintain Data Rate to preserve
quality by compressing only the frames that are above the specified data rate.
previously compressed frames may lower picture quality. Deselect Recompress
to prevent current compression settings from being applied to clips that were not altered
when you edited them into the program.
Audio export settings
When you choose Audio Settings from the menu at the top of the Export Movie Settings
dialog box, you can specify the following options:
Specify the codec for Adobe Premiere Pro to apply when compressing