Start Color
Shows the current glow color. Click the swatch to choose another color.
End Color
Lets you add an optional color at the outer edge of the glow.
Fade Out
Specifies whether the colors fade out or stay solid.
The Antialias effect blends the edges between areas of highly contrasting colors. When
blended, colors create intermediate shades that make transitions between dark and light
areas appear more gradual.
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Adobe Premiere Pro Help Applying Effects
Using Help | Contents | Index Back 258
Basic 3D
The Basic 3D effect manipulates a clip in an imaginary three-dimensional space. You can
rotate your image around horizontal and vertical axes and move it toward or away from
you. With Basic 3D, you can also create a specular highlight to give the appearance of
reflecting off a rotated surface. The light source for the specular highlight is always above,
behind, and to the left of the viewer. Because the light comes from above, the image must
be tilted backward to see this reflection. Specular highlights enhance the realism of the
three-dimensional appearance.
Basic 3D controls
Swivel and Tilt
Swivel, Tilt, and Distance
Controls horizontal rotation (rotation around a vertical axis). You can rotate past
90° to see the back side of the image, which is the mirror image of the front.
Controls vertical rotation (rotation around a horizontal axis).
Distance to Image
Specifies the image’s distance from the viewer. As the distance gets
larger, the image recedes.
Specular Highlight
Adds a glint of light that reflects off the surface of the rotated layer,
as though an overhead light were shining on the surface. When Draw Preview Wireframe
enabled, the specular highlight is indicated by a red plus sign (+) if it is not visible on the
layer (the center of the highlight does not intersect the clip) and a green plus sign (+) if the
highlight is visible. You must render a preview before the Specular Highlight effect
becomes visible in the Program view.
Draws a wireframe outline of the three-dimensional image. Because manipulating
an image in three-dimensional space can be time-consuming, the wireframe
renders quickly so you can manipulate the controls to get the rotation you want. Deselect
the Preview control when you finish manipulating the wireframe image to see your final
The Bend effect distorts a clip by producing the appearance of a wave traveling both
and horizontally through the clip. You can produce a number of different wave
shapes at various sizes and rates.
Specifies the direction of the wave. The
setting specifies that waves move
toward the center of the clip. The
setting specifies that waves start in the center and
move to the edge of the clip.
Specifies the shape of the wave. Choose from a sine wave, circle, triangle, or
Specifies the height of the wave.
Specifies the frequency of the wave. To produce a wave only vertically or