shadow options give you full control over color, size, angle, spread, distance, and opacity.
To create a shadow:
Select an object.
In the Object Style section, select Shadow.
Click the arrow next to the Shadow option to set any of the following values:
Specifies the shadow color.
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Adobe Premiere Pro Help Using the Adobe Title Designer
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Specifies the shadow’s level of transparency.
Specifies the angle of the shadow in relation to the object.
Specifies the number of pixels that the shadow is offset from the object.
Specifies the size of the shadow.
Specifies how far the alpha channel boundaries of the object are extended prior
to blurring. This is particularly useful on small, thin features such as cursive descenders or
ascenders on typeface, which tend to disappear if you apply a significant blur.
Saving and loading styles
You can save any style you create and have it readily available to apply to objects in any
title. Adobe Premiere Pro also includes a collection of prebuilt styles arranged in
style libraries
By default, Adobe Premiere Pro stores all saved styles in style libraries. When you save a
style library, you are saving the entire set of styles that are displayed in the current Adobe
Title Designer window. These are saved as .PRSL files in the Premiere Pro/Presets/Styles
folder. Because Adobe Premiere Pro stores each style or set of styles as a separate file,
can share styles with other users. If you share styles, make sure that the fonts, textures,
background files used are available on all systems.
Modifying the style swatch display
The Styles section of the Adobe Title Designer window displays the default style library as
well as style swatches you create or load. The display defaults to show large swatches of
sample text with the loaded style applied; however, you can choose to view your styles in
small swatches or by the style name only. You can also change the default characters that
appear on the style swatches.
To change the style swatch display:
In the Styles menu, choose one of the following:
Choose Text Only to display only the style name.
Choose Small Thumbnails to display only small swatches of sample text objects with
the styles applied to them.
Choose Large Thumbnails to display only large swatches of sample text objects with the
styles applied to them.
To change the default characters on the swatches:
Choose Edit > Preferences > Titler.
In the Style Swatches box, type up to two characters that you would like to appear on
the style swatches.
Click OK.
Creating and applying styles
Creating a style consists of saving the object styles you’ve added to your design. Once
you’ve created a style, a swatch appears in the Style section displaying the attributes you