24 - Microsense II Model 5300 Gaging System
Setting Up The Model 5300 Gaging System
The Model 5300 gaging system allows up to four probe channels. A procedure for setting up the system for
a single channel (one probe) measurement follows:
1) Turn the system on and allow a one half-hour warmup time.
2) Center each ZERO control (on each Model 5130 module) by turning the knob fully clockwise and
reversing by 7½ full turns.
3) Set the Display Module Selector Switch to position "A".
4) Position Probe A (leftmost channel) over the reference surface. Adjust the probe (or reference
surface) until the meter reads approximately zero.
5) Secure the probe into place.
6) Adjust the ZERO A control to obtain an exact zero reading, if required.
7) Repeat Steps 2 through 6 if two or more probes are to be used.
The system is now set up and ready to make measurements. Negative readings at the Model 5130's
connector indicate surfaces closer to the probe than the reference surface; positive readings indicate
surfaces further from the probe than the reference surface; zero readings indicate a probe-to-surface dis-
placement equal to the reference displacement.
There are many applications for single-channel measurements. When this setup procedure is followed,
displacement measurements can be made on stationary or moving objects.
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