Problem Possible cause Solutions
No power
(No LCD display)
Cuff does not
inflate properly
No result
displayed after
Power supply is not properly
plugged in.
Battery is fully discharged.
Loose connection of the tube.
Leakage of the tube / bladder.
Device is in Manual Mode.
Plug the power supply into
the wall socket.
Recharge the battery by
plugging in the power supply.
Make sure the tube of the cuff is
securely connected to the device.
Check for cracks on the tube
or the bladder. Replace the blood
pressure cuff if necessary.
Switch to
Mode and repeat the
Error Messages
If an error occurs during a measurement, the measurement
is interrupted and an error message «Err» is displayed.
Error Description Potential cause and remedy
«Err 1» Signal too weak
The pulse signals on the cuff
are too weak. Reposition the
cuff and repeat the measurement.
«Err 2» Error signal
During the measurement, error
signals were detected by the cuff
(caused, for instance, by
movement or muscle tension).
Repeat the measurement keeping
patient’s arm still.