4) Control by phone call:
ADAX SET may be switched ON and OFF by the Master User calling it.
If it is ON, it will be switched OFF, and vice versa. SMS confirmation of
the action will be received.
5) Registering the Master User and changing the password by
SMS (not applicable to APP users):
Before ADAX SET can be taken into use, a Master User must be regis-
tered. By the same SMS command the date and time will be automati-
cally synchronised, and you also change the code to your personal four
digit password.
For first time registration
The Master User must send the following SMS command from their
mobile phone:
will give SMS reply in Norwegian)
will give SMS reply in English)
The Master User’s phone number will now be stored as a reference in
ADAX SET so that the Master User will not have to include the password
in SMS commands.
The SIM-card’s ID number is an up to 20-digit number
which is printed on the card (see illustration), or is
included in the documentation from your provider.
The new code must be a 4-digit sequence of you choosing. This becomes
the new code and must be given to extra users who are to have access to
control limited operations of ADAX SET.
You are now ready to use ADAX SET by SMS
6) SMS commands and function list (not applicable to APP users):
NB! The hashtag – # – symbol must be used in commands. The com-
mand is written without spaces and comprises # and numbers. The
following table describes which numbers are used.