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The Cinema Rhapsody also permits you to adjust the gain individu-
ally for all analog inputs. The Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out Of The Box”
Setup has all analog inputs set to 0 dB or no Analog Gain. You can
raise the gain for the analog inputs from 0 dB to 3 dB, 6 dB, or as
high as 9 dB of gain. This is quite useful for components that have
lower gain drive such as radio tuners, VCRs, and phonographs
(phono preamplified output). Digital devices such as CDs, DVDs,
Laser Disc players, DSS receivers, etc., typically have a higher drive.
Therefore, you can adjust each analog audio input to an appropriate
level such that, as you switch inputs, the output levels are steady.
While in the Pro Setup mode, turn the MODE knob until the
display reads ANALOG GAIN and then press the MODE
knob. The display will read level arrows (<<<>>>) on the
top line and the second line will read IN = 00.0 dB (or
some other number if you have already altered the fac-
tory defaults).
Turn the MODE knob to raise or lower the Analog Gain Con-
trol from 0 dB through 9 dB (in 3 dB steps). Note that the
level arrows will raise as you raise the Analog Gain. If the
level arrows reach the edges of the display and the letter
“C” appears (C<<<<<<<>>>>>>>C), you have raised the
analog gain too far as clipping is occurring (C=Clipping).
ADA suggests raising the Analog Gain level cautiously.
Since other inputs may also require Analog Gain adjust-
ment, you can turn the INPUT knob to see the settings on
other analog inputs and continue to adjust their gain.
To exit the ANALOG GAIN Setup Mode without leaving the
Pro Setup Mode, press the MODE knob. If you wish to
exit the Setup Mode completely, turn any of the knobs
other than MODE or INPUT.
Pro Setup - Analog Gain Control
The Cinema Rhapsody is
designed to provide an ideal
listening environment for all
of your source components.
Digital audio components,
such as CD players, DVDs,
laser disc players, and DSS
receivers typically have very
good gain drive, there is no
need to compensate their
output levels. However, for
analog audio components,
you may wish to raise their
analog gain so that, as you
change from one input to the
next, the output levels (the
sound level in the room)
remains somewhat constant.
The Cinema Rhapsody is fully
equipped to lower the gain
levels for all analog inputs
The Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out
Of The Box” Setup has the
Analog Gain levels set to 0 dB
for all Analog Inputs. You can
selectively raise the Analog
Gain for each analog audio
input in 3 dB steps up to 9 dB.
The Cinema Rhapsody will
display the input gain level,
providing the component is
putting out audio, and will
indicate when clipping begins
to occur.