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The Cinema Rhapsody offers several mode settings when decoding
a Dolby Digital (AC-3) signal. One of these modes is AC-3 NIGHT
mode which provides compression of the low level and high level
signals, such that, the bangs and booms are reduced and the whis-
pers are accentuated. This, in effect narrows the volume range to
permit comfortable listening without the worry of disturbing others
during an explosion or other loud dramatic sound effect. To accom-
plish this compression, the Cinema Rhapsody, when in AC-3 NIGHT
Mode, engages both the HDR (High Dynamic Range) Scale and the
LDR (Low Dynamic Range) Scale to “255” or Full On. These scale
factors are also set to “255” or Full On during the AC-3 STANDARD
mode. While the Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out Of The Box” Setup has
the HDR and LDR scale factors set to “0” or Full Off (no compres-
sion), you can selectively set these scales to a point between (and
including) 0 and 255. These scale factors are specific to the AC-3
modes and as such, can be set differently for either AC-3 ULTRA
mode and AC-3 STANDARD MODE (Please note that AC-3 THX
and AC-3 RE-EQ will also be affected with any change to the AC-3
ULTRA mode in that these modes are tied together).
Prior to proceeding with the HDR and LDR scale factor, you will first
need to select an AC-3 Input Label. Turn the mode knob to
AUTOMODE OFF (or ON) is displayed. If the display is reading
AUTOMODE ON, press the MODE button to turn it to AUTOMODE
OFF. If Automode is already set to off, turn the mode knob to either
AC-3 ULTRA or AC-3 STANDARD (which ever one you wish to ad-
just the HDR and/or LDR scale) and press the MODE button to en-
gage that mode. You will then need to enter the Pro Setup mode.
While in the Pro Setup mode, turn the MODE knob until the
display reads either HDR UP SCALE or LDR DN SCALE
and then press the MODE knob. The display will read
HDR UP SCALE (or LDR DN SCALE) on the top line and
the second line will read the current scale factor and the
mode name (ULTRA, STANDARD, THX, or RE-EQ). If
this input is set to AC-3 NIGHT, AC-3 MAX, or a non-AC-
3 mode, the display will read FIXED SCALE. While in
either the HDR or LDR Setup mode, you can turn the IN-
PUT knob to see the settings on other inputs.
Turn the MODE knob until you have set the HDR (or LDR)
scale set to the desired setting (from 0 {default standard -
Full Off} to 255 {Full On}). You do not need to press the
MODE knob to engage this setting. While in either the
HDR or LDR Setup mode, you can turn the INPUT knob
to see the settings on other inputs with other modes.
If you wish to alter the HDR or LDR scales for any or all other
modes, repeat steps 2 & 3. To exit the HDR (or LDR)
Setup Mode without leaving the Pro Setup Mode, press
the MODE knob. If you wish to exit the Setup Mode com-
pletely, turn any of the knobs other than MODE or INPUT.
Pro Setup - HDR & LDR Scale Factors
The HDR (High Dynamic
Range) and LDR (Low
Dynamic Range) Scale
Factors permit the playback of
AC-3 formatted source
material with compression of
both the low and high levels.
As such, the bangs and
booms are never too loud and
whispers never to soft. This
narrowing of the Dynamic
Range takes place when
listening to the AC-3 Night
mode. However, the Cinema
Rhapsody can also adjust
these factors for the AC-3
Ultra and AC-3 Standard
modes. If you make
adjustments to the AC-3 Ultra
mode, these changes will then
also apply to AC-3 THX and
AC-3 Re-EQ as they are linked
together. Conversely, if you
modify either AC-3 THX or
AC-3 Re-EQ, the other linked
modes are also affected.
The Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out
Of The Box” Setup has the
HDR and LDR Scale Factors
set to “0” or Full Off. These
scale factors are engaged in
the AC-3 Night mode
automatically and need not be
adjusted to access AC-3