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The Cinema Rhapsody permits you to alter the Input Labels. These
are labels that appear for each component as you rotate the Input
knob. This is quite useful if you have connected a component that
does not appear on the Cinema Rhapsody (i.e. DAT Player). Alter-
ing Input Labels is also available when you don’t want the numbers
to appear on the Cinema Rhapsody’s display (i.e. LASER/DVD 1,
LASERDISC 2). The front panel display can read a name up to 12
characters in length (alphanumeric). The most significant benefit of
altering Input Label names is derived when using the Cinema
Rhapsody’s “Final Input” Setup Mode (found under Pro Setup). The
“Final Input” Setup Mode permits you to limit the number of Input
Labels that appear on the Cinema Rhapsody. If you wish to only
display only the devices connected to your Cinema Rhapsody, ADA
suggests first proceeding to the section entitled “Pro Setup - Final
Input”. Once you have set the Final Input, then return to this page to
change the Input Labels. To alter a components Input Label:
Select the device you wish to alter by turning the INPUT knob
until the second line of the display reads the device name
and press the INPUT knob.
Turn the MODE knob clockwise until the display reads SETUP
MODE and then press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob clockwise to until the display reads
INPUT LABELS and then press the MODE knob. The
top line of the display will read LABEL INPUTS and the
second line of the display will read the Input Label as it
currently appears with the first letter of the Input Label
flashing (cursor).
Turn the MODE knob to select a new character for the first
letter. If you do not wish to alter the character of the first
letter, press the MODE knob to advance to the cursor to
the second letter.
Turn the MODE knob to change this character and press the
MODE knob to advance the cursor position to the next
Repeat step 5 until the display reads the new name for this
Input Label. ADA suggests leaving the numeric value at
the end of each Input Label in place to provide you with a
reference as to this Input Label’s position to the Cinema
Rhapsody’s program.
When you are done relabeling an Input Label, turn the IN-
PUT knob to advance to the next input you wish to rela-
bel. Repeat with steps 4 - 6. When you are done labeling
all inputs, turn either Volume, Channel, or Record to exit
Custom Setup - Labeling Inputs
While the Cinema Rhapsody’s
“Out Of The Box” Setup has
pre-labeled connections for
most any home theater audio/
video component, you may
wish to custom label any or all
inputs to display to your
The Cinema Rhapsody’s built-
in character generator allows
you to alter the way an Input
Label reads when it is
displayed. If you prefer to
have DSS/SAT 5 input read as
simply DSS RECEIVER, you
can enter the Cinema
Rhapsody’s Label Mode to
edit and alter this input.
While the “Out Of The Box”
Setup assigns a sequenced
Input Label number to each
Input Label (1 -15), you can
overwrite these numbers so
that they do not appear, but
note, these numbers do refer
to the direct access input
numbers found on the ADA
One-For-All Remote.
The ability to alter the way
Input Labels read is
particularly useful if you are
custom configuring your
Cinema Rhapsody using the
Pro Setup’s “Final Input”
settings. Since the Final Input
Setup allows you to limit the
number of Input Labels that
are displayed as you rotate
the Input Knob, the need to
relabel the lower inputs to suit
your setup will be important.
Prior to proceeding you may
wish to review Final Input
under Pro Setup.