Pioneer Gripper
The Pioneer Gripper
Chapter 2
Figure 1. Pioneer Gripper features
The Pioneer Gripper is a two-
degree of freedom (2-DOF)
manipulation accessory that
attaches to the front (nose) of a
Pioneer DX or AT mobile robot.
Independent segments—the
Gripper itself with paddles and a
Lift mechanism—let you grasp
objects on the floor, and raise
and carry them to a new
The Gripper and Lift each are
driven by reversible-DC motors,
whose direction and power are
controlled through digital output
lines from your Pioneer robot’s controller. Embedded limit switches sense the Gripper
and Lift positions. The paddles each contain grip-sensor and infared (IR) breakbeam
switches, both front and rear, to sense objects and their positions within its grasp. These
sensors, too, interface with the Pioneer controller through dedicated digital input lines.
Although you may operate the Gripper directly through its digital I/O interface, there are
special servers included in your robot controller’s embedded software to fully manage its
operations. Accordingly, the client software developer need only issue a single, simple
command to actuate fundamental manipulation operations.
Figure 2. Pioneer Gripper and Lift dimensions
In its fully down and open state, the two 3cm (1.5 inch) tall by 9.5cm (3.5 inch) deep
Pioneer Gripper paddles, each with 2mm soft-foam pads on the inside, open to 21.5cm
(8.4 inches) apart and ride 2.4cm (1.2 inches) off the floor with the DX or just 1cm (0.25