AXM-VFX-EDK User’s Manual Mezzanine Board
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0310 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:[email protected] http://www.acromag.com
Interrupt Enable Register (Read/Write) –
(P 8014H)
The Interrupt Enable Register provides a map bit for each differential
channel from 8 to 15. A “0” bit will prevent the corresponding input channel
from generating an external interrupt. A “1” bit will allow the corresponding
channel to generate an interrupt.
The Interrupt Enable register at the P offset 8014H is used to
control channels 8 through 15 via data bits 0 to 7. Bits 8 to 15 are not used
and will always read as “0”.
All channel interrupts are disabled (set to “0”) following a power-on or
software reset. Reading or writing to this register is possible via 32-bit, 16-
bit or 8-bit data transfers. Additional steps may be required to enable
interrupts. Refer to the PMC base module’s User’s Manual for further
Interrupt Register Mapping
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
I/O 15
I/O 14
I/O 13
I/O 12
I/O 11
I/O 10
I/O 9
I/O 8
Interrupt Type (COS or H/L) Configuration Register
(Read/Write) - (P 8018)
The Interrupt Type Configuration Register determines the type of input
channel transition that will generate an interrupt for each of the eight
possible interrupting channels. A “0” bit selects interrupt on level. An
interrupt will be generated when the input channel level specified by the
Interrupt Polarity Register occurs (i.e. Low or High level transition interrupt).
A “1” bit means the interrupt will occur when a Change-Of-State (COS)
occurs at the corresponding input channel (i.e. any state transition, low to
high or high to low).
The Interrupt Type Configuration register at P 8018H is used to
control channels 8 through 15 as mapped in the Interrupt Enable Register.
For example, channel 8 is controlled via data bit-0. Bits 8 to 15 are not used
and will always read as “0”.
All bits are set to “0” following a reset which means that, if enabled, the
inputs will cause interrupts for the levels specified by the Interrupt Polarity
Channel read or write operations use 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit data
transfers. Note that no interrupts will occur unless they are enabled by the
Interrupt Enable Register.