FL Step Manual
STEP Manual vers 3.0
Close the door. Measure the gap between the door and the door post. Adjust the
switch so, when installed, there is
7 mm of space between the switch and the
or 3 mm between switch and magnet.
Push the plastic holder in the drilled hole and fix / seal with a bit of PU glue.
Place the magnet on the opposite position on the door. Fix the magnet with a screw.
Lead the cable with the door sensor through the
doorpost and stick the switch through the 12.5 mm hole
Place the Switch in the plastic holder. This is a tight fit.
You need to screw the holder around the switch.
Mechanical Installation of door switch:
Find the right place on the door to install the
door switch, preferably around the area in the
doorpost where you find the original door
switch. Make sure there is minimum around
10-12 mm free space between the door and
the door post when the door is closed.
Drill a hole of 12.5 mm at the selected place.
The door switch is supplied as standard with
the cable loom.
Check that magnet does not touch the switch
when door is closed with high speed and force
Careful, the Magnet is brittle. First drill the hole
and then fix the magnet with the screw just tight
enough to fix it. Fixing it too hard will damage
the magnet.