7.10 Info about the software
This section explains how to view information about the software versions of the tool.
In the settings menu, select the "
" function then the "
" one.
The information on the Info screen will be
requested by the technical staff in case of
assistance request.
7.11 Service
This section describes all the functions related to the Service and Backups of the device data.
In the settings menu, select the "
" function then the "
" one.
The functions available in the
menu are as follows:
System data backup and restore
Factory reset
Software update
Balance technical service
7.11.1 System data backup and restore
You can back up the system completely or restore data and configuration previously saved on
a USB stick.
This section describes the steps to be taken to export or import the data.
It is recommended to use an empty USB stick that is dedicated to data save and
recovery operations.