Fig. 3.1C Summary of Commissioning Page
From Programming
Pages – see Fig. 10 in
User Pages – see Fig. 10 in
Commissioning – see Fig. 3.2C
Software identification
ACJC constant
Electrical calibration*
No. of analogue retransmissions
No. of relay outputs
Single/Dual fuel selection
Auto/Manual fuel changeover selection
Fuel type selection
Enable/Disable cell thermocouple
Enable/Disable flue thermocouple
Enable/Disable air thermocouple
Enable/Disable carbon monoxide input
Probe under temperature alarm on/off
Broken cell thermocouple alarm on/off
Broken flue thermocouple alarm on/off
Broken air thermocouple alarm on/off
Cell impedance check on/off
Security Switch
Accessible only with additional security access
– see Section 4C