The signal 21120_EXT_TEST_TRIP can be set and reset via the LHMI Test Trip menu.
Parameter names and parameter values are presented in italics.
For example, the default value of the
Operation setting is Not inverted.
Section references are presented with the respective section numbers.
for more details about document conventions.
The phase names L1, L2, L3, and L0 should be read as phase A,B,C, and N respectively.
The term Disturbance recorder should be read as Digital Fault Recorder in the document.
The term Single-line diagram should be read as One-line diagram in the document.
OFF is used for Disabled and On is used for Enabled in Settings.
The term Isolator is used in the the HMI500 menus and the LHMI menus, and should be read
as Disconnector.
1MRK 511 452-UUS Rev. A
Section 1
Distributed busbar protection REB500
Engineering manual
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