2TLC172315M0201 Rev.M3
LED indications
Magne 3 and Magne 4 LED Indications:
LED indication
Probable cause
No LED light
No voltage
Check +24 VDC power supply.
Blue flashing
Anchor plate is missing
or not centered
Check anchor plate position.
Magne 4 LED indications:
LED indication
Probable cause
Green flashing
Eva within 2 mm from
maximum sensing
Adjust Eva position.
Red solid light
Eva out of sensing
distance, safety circuit
broken (door open)
Move Eva within sensing distance of
Adam (close door).
Metal between Adam
and Eva
Remove metal.
Green and Red at
the same time
Unit is defective
Replace the unit.
Green-Red fast
Valid Eva code missing
Perform procedure to replace Eva. If
fault indication remains, the unit is
defective and must be replaced.
Red fast flashing
Fail safe mode
Power cycle (i.e. turn off power, wait for
one minute and turn it on again).
Green-Red flashing
Input signal is missing
1. Check output signal from the
previous unit in the signal chain.
2. Turn off power supply.
3. Move Eva within sensing distance of
4. Power supply.
Red-Red-Green fast
flashing (OSSD only)
input signal
Power cycle (i.e. turn off power, wait for
one minute and turn it on again). If
fault indication remains, check
incoming signals.
Sensing distance Eva and Adam
To improve the sensing performance between Eva and Adam, minimize the gap (Z distance)
by installing distance plate (DA 1B) between the Eva unit and the bracket holding Eva. See
chapter “Positioning and orientation of Eva with Magne 4” for more details.