LMT10 0 A N D LMT 20 0 |
M AG N E TOS T R I C T I V E L E V EL T R A N SM I T T ER S | FF O I/L M T 10 0/ 2 0 0/FF - EN R E V. A
Optional wired on SST plate
The LMT Series of transmitters can be supplied with an
optional wired-on, stainless-steel plate (Figure 4, D) The plate
is laser-printed with custom text, as specified by the user The
available space consists of 4 lines with 32 characters per line
The plate will be connected to the transmitter with a Stainless
Steel wire
Unpacking and handling
• Remove the transmitter and all included hardware from the
shipping carton
• Do not discard the packaging material until the installation is
• Normal good practice should be observed during handling
especially those with sensor tubes that exceed 8 feet should
be handled with care and assistance
Transport and storage
• After unpacking the level transmitter, inspect it for damage
• Check the packaging for accessories
• During intermediate storage or transport, only store the level
transmitter in the original packaging
• If required, storage prior to installation should be indoors at
ambient temperatures, not to exceed the following:
– Temperature range: -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
– Humidity: 0 to 95% R H , non-condensing
For information on permissible ambient conditions for storage
and transport, refer to the specification section of the
datasheet Although there is no limit on the duration of
storage, the warranty conditions stipulated on the supplier’s
order of acknowledgement still apply
Transmitter probes with a W3 or W7 option have a flexible
sensor tube When removing the sensor from the sensor
well, do not expose the sensor to moisture Additionally, it is
important to prevent water from entering the sensor well